Harvest Festival
At Taylor, we do one big fundraiser per school year! The Harvest Festival is a one day event that starts with our Walkathon during the school day, and ends with a carnival, dinner and silent auction after school and into the evening.
This year, the proceeds will be earmarked for our art program, field trips, enrichment assemblies, organized Recess 101 program, and teacher supplies, as well as a physical education program targeted at improving the health and wellness of our student body.
SCHEDULE 2023/24
AUG 17
Harvest Festival shirt order forms go out in Thursday envelopes
AUG 29
Harvest Festival shirt order forms due​
AUG 31
Harvest Festival packets go out in Thursday envelopes​
SEP 22

All About Harvest Festival!
What is “Harvest Festival”?
Harvest Festival is Taylor PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year! It’s an annual event that includes a Walkathon, Carnival, Auction, Raffle & Food truck extravaganza. All of the money raised goes to fund supplemental programs that PTA runs including Recess 101, Art Vista, and Assemblies. Money raised also pays for all classroom field trips, as well as necessary supplies that teachers need in the classroom. Our goal is to raise $60,000!
How is the money raised?
Students collect pledges from family and friends for the Walkathon. There are tons of prizes and incentives for the students and families. All money raised goes to the PTA budget.
Is there a theme?
Yes! 2023/24's theme is Candyland! Some of our past years' themes have been "Welcome to Roary's Jungle"-- Where the adventure begins, “Roary's Wild West” celebrating our friendly mascot “Roary” the Tiger, Taylor's Storybook, Taylor Tiger Beach, and Adventures in Neverland.
What is the schedule for Harvest Festival?
September 22, 2023
Walkathon is during the school day on the blacktop from 9:00am-12:00pm
The Carnival and the Auction take place from 4:00pm-7:00pm
Can I help?
Yes! There are dozens of ways to get involved and contribute to this awesome event! Helping your child get sponsors for walkathon, donating items for your classroom auction basket, and joining the team to help… all are great ways to contribute. (Parents & Volunteers can buy a shirt to wear for $10 the week leading up to Harvest Festival. Sizes will be first come first serve).
What is the Silent Auction?
The auction will be held online this year. All items are donated to Taylor, so every penny you spend goes directly to the kids. An auction catalog will be sent out through email in September. You can expect to see theme park tickets, museum passes, wine tasting, sports memorabilia, sporting event tickets, gym memberships, birthday party packages, tutoring deals, and much more! And, you can count on getting some GREAT deals (last year a Pump-It-Up birthday party for 15 kids that costs $239 went for $60! A Karate Party for 20 kids went for $50)! We’ll also be offering “Teacher Experiences” where you can pay a flat fee for a special experience with some of Taylor’s awesome teachers! The most popular items are the classroom baskets donated and put together by each class.
Can we buy Harvest Festival T-Shirts?
Yes! Youth and Adult tees are available for purchase. Youth & Adult tees are $10. Shirts will be for sale all week leading up to Harvest Festival (before & after school). Buy your shirts and save them to wear on the BIG DAY!